The internet is all spin. Stuff presented in the most positive/optimistic/exaggerated way. If ever you have an idea, and you slyly google it, looking for evidence of it already occurring, don't be downhearted by what you find. Yeah it's all been done before, apparently by some formidible backwater genius on the other side of the world - who's just trying to show themself in the most positive light. I mean, I do it too...
But let me tell you now, my clean attack distortion idea is just not working. I've tried hard, and finally got to a stage where I can hear the circuit doing what it should. And it sounds...
not good. What was I thinking??! I can hear in my head what I was after, and I'm just nowhere with it. It's lots of work to get reality to match - but I'm not encouraged enough to persevere.
So. anything else I can do with the bits? Well, with some adapting I could do a 2-stage distortion, a 'regular' overdrive doing normal stuff - but with an insane, circuit-bending, howling fuzz that peaks through at the end of the note as it dies away, or at the very instant the note starts. Right now that seems quite a good idea; relatively simple to do, pretty cheap - and as far as I know, there's nothing else like it.
And what would the regular distortion be? I'm not one of those types who chips away at a fuzz circuit, changing component values, adding and subtracting bits. That's just not that exciting. The most fun stuff (other than playing through it) was coming up with the primaeval fuzz in the first place, and that's already been done. So stick a Big Muff in the box to start with and be done with it - on to the circuit-bending.

Meanwhile, this poster never saw the light of day... So here it is now.
Whenever I look really
really closely at an LED, it reminds me of nothing more than the distant star around which homo sapiens' future home orbits.
That's quite far out really.